
the crag prize

crag's yearly prize for short fiction

$300 for the winner

the runner up will receive an in-depth editorial package on a new piece of writing

please submit a story of any length up to 10,000 words to editor@crag.live

deadline: 1 April 2020

all submissions must be previously unpublished, sent as a pdf or doc as an attachment, be anonymous and begin with a title page with the story’s name and word count

author names in the body of the email are, naturally, just peachy

simultaneous submissions are fine, as long as you alert us if it is selected elsewhere

please title your email ‘the crag prize’

a shortlist will be announced in july 2020 and a winner in august 2020

all shortlisted stories will be published in crag in august, alongside original artwork

we actively encourage everyone to submit

we are not accepting any submissions for the usual magazine at this time

please follow @crag on twitter for the latest news



all our previous published work can be found here. we would not be here without them.